Nokia 500

Page 67
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Share a picture or video from Gallery
Want to upload your pictures or videos to a social networking service for your friends
and family to see? Upload your pictures and videos directly from Gallery.
Select   > 
1 Select a picture or video to upload.
2 Tap the picture, select  , and follow the displayed instructions.
Tip: To share several items, in the main view, select  , mark the items to share, and
select  .
Copy your pictures or videos between your phone and computer
Have you taken pictures or recorded videos with your phone that you want to watch
on your computer? Or do you want to copy your pictures or videos from your phone
to your computer? Use a compatible USB data cable to copy your pictures and videos
between your phone and a compatible computer.
1 Use a compatible USB data cable to connect your phone to a compatible
If copying between a memory card in your phone and a computer, make sure the
memory card is inserted.
2 Open Nokia Suite on your computer, and follow the displayed instructions.
Back up your pictures
Want to make sure that you will not lose any important pictures? Back up your pictures
with Nokia Suite.
1 Use a compatible USB data cable to connect your phone to a computer.
If copying between a memory card in your phone and a computer, make sure the
memory card is inserted.
2 Open Nokia Suite on your computer, and follow the displayed instructions on
synchronising Gallery.
Edit the pictures you have taken
 You can add effects, text, clip art, or frames to your pictures.
Select   > 
Photo editor
 and a picture.
1 To apply an effect, select the desired option from the extended toolbar.
2 To save the edited picture, select 
. The edited picture does not replace
the original picture.
Your pictures and videos