Nokia Lumia 900

Page 58
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When you view an item, related items are also shown.
Tip: To see what others have to say about an item, select the item. You can also see
a description, the price, and the size of the download.
Tip: Did you find something in Marketplace that you know your friends would be
interested in? You can send them a link. If the item is free, select 
. If the item
has a price, select 
Download a game, app, or other item
Download free games, apps, or videos, or buy more content for your phone. From
Marketplace, you can find content designed specifically for your phone.
Select  .
Make sure your battery is fully charged before starting a download.
1 Select the item.
2 If the item has a price, select 
. If the item is free, select 
3 If you're not signed in to Windows Live, sign in now.
4 By default, purchases are added to your phone bill, if available. You can also
choose to pay with your credit card.
5 Follow the instructions shown on the phone.
6 When the download is complete, you can open or view the item, or continue
browsing for more content. The content type determines where the item is stored
in your phone: music, videos, and podcasts can be found in the Music+Videos hub,
games can be found in the Games hub, and apps can be found in the apps menu.
Tip: Use a Wi
-Fi connection to download larger files, such as games, apps, or videos.
For more info on an item, contact the publisher of the item.
View your download queue
While an item is downloading, you can continue to browse for other content and add
items to your download queue.
Select  .
The download notification at the bottom of the main view indicates the number of
items being downloaded. To view your download queue, select the notification.
One item is downloaded at a time, and pending items wait in your download queue.