Nokia 2760

Page 27
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Groups (if supported by network)—to view list of public 
groups, search for a group, or create a group
Search—to search for users or groups
Saved convers.—to view saved chat histories
When connected to the service, your status, as seen by 
others, is shown in a status line: Status: OnlineMy status: 
 or Status: App. off. To change your own status, select 
Your contacts are grouped in Online () and Offline () 
folders by their status. Received messages or invitations 
during an active IM session are stored in Convers. () folder. 
To expand or collapse a folder, scroll to it, and scroll right 
or left.
 indicates a new group message.
 indicates a read group message.
 indicates a new instant message.
 indicates a read instant message.
 indicates an invitation.
To start a conversation, browse to the desired contact in 
the online or offline folder, and select Chat  Page 27  Thursday, April 24, 2008  11:46 AM