Nokia N97

Page 34
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Write a review
Select the link to write a review, enter your review, and assign
a rating to from 1 to 3 stars.
View information about the publisher
Select the publisher profile link.
Find related items
Select More related.
Purchase content
1 Select the item you want to purchase.
2 Select Buy.
3 Enter your Nokia account user name and password. If you
do not have an account, select Create a Nokia account,
and enter the required information.
4 Select to pay using your credit card or through your
phone bill. If you already have your credit card
information stored in your Nokia account, and you want
to use another credit card, select Edit payment
settings, and enter the required information. To save
your credit card information to your Nokia account, select
the Save this card to my Nokia account check box.
5 Select the e-mail address to which you want to receive a
receipt of your purchase.
6 Select Purchase.
Share favourites with friends
Ovi Store enables you to send a text message containing a
link to items in Ovi Store.
1 Select the item you want to share.
2 Select Send to friend.
3 Enter a phone number in the international format.
4 Select Send.
Report inappropriate content
Contact Nokia if you find inappropriate content in Ovi Store.
1 Select the item with inappropriate content.
2 Select Report issue.
3 Select the reason from the list, and enter additional
details, if needed.
4 Select Submit.
Edit the Ovi Store settings
In the Ovi Store settings, you can change your account
information, grant your friends permission to see your
activities in Ovi Store, and change your password and security
To change the Ovi Store settings, select Options > Settings
and from the following:
Ovi sharing — Allow your Ovi contacts to see your activities
in Ovi Store.
Account information — Change the details of your Nokia
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