Nokia 5500 Sport

Page 52
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1. Select Currency as the measurement parameter type, and select Options 
Currency rates. A list of currencies opens; you can see the current base 
currency at the top.
2. To change the base currency, scroll to the currency (usually your domestic 
currency), and select Options Set as base curr..
3. Add exchange rates, scroll to the currency, and enter a new rate, that is, how 
many units of the currency equal one unit of the base currency you selected. 
4. After you insert all the required exchange rates, you can convert currency. See 
Note: When you change base currency, you must enter new exchange rates 
because all previously set exchange rates are cleared.
■ Notes
Select Menu Organiser Notes.
You can send notes to other devices. You can save plain text files (TXT format) you 
receive to notes.
Press keys 19 to start to write. Press the clear key to clear letters. Select Done to 
■ Calculator
Select Menu Organiser Calculator.
1. Enter the first number of your calculation. If you make a mistake, press the 
clear key to erase it.
2. Scroll to an arithmetic function, and press the scroll key to select it.
3. Enter the second number.
4. To execute the calculation, scroll to 
 and press the scroll key.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations.
To add a decimal, press #.
Press and hold the clear key to clear the result of the previous calculation.
 to view previous calculations and move in the sheet.