Nokia 5320 XpressMusic

Page 15
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Y o u r   d e v i c e
 — You have messages in the inbox in Messaging.
 — You received new e-mail in your remote mailbox.
 — You have messages waiting to be sent in outbox.
 — You have missed calls.
 — Ringing type is set to Silent and Message alert tone and E-mail alert tone are 
set to Off
 — The device keypad is locked.
 — The loudspeaker is activated.
 — An alarm is active.
 — All calls to the device are diverted to another number.
 — A headset is connected to the device.
 or   or   — A GPRS packet data connection is active, the connection is on 
hold, or a connection is available.
 or   or   — A packet data connection is active in a part of the network that 
supports EGPRS; the connection is on hold; a connection is available. Your device 
may not use EGPRS in the data transfer.
 or   or   — A UMTS packet data connection is active; the connection is on 
hold; a connection is available.
 — Bluetooth connectivity is switched on; data is being transmitted 
using Bluetooth technology.
 — A USB connection is active.
Other indicators may also be shown.
■ Screen saver
To set the screen saver settings, select 
Settings Phone sett. General 
Personalisation Display Screen saver. To set the timeout period after which 
the screen saver is activated, select Screen saver time-out. To set for how long the 
screen saver is active, select Screen saver duration.
■ Menu
In the menu you can access the functions in your device. To access the main menu, 
select .
To open an application or a folder, scroll to it, and press the scroll key.